Scotch Whisky


Scotch Whisky essence will put some “tilt in yer kilt”, a nice balance of peat, with notes of nut, toffee and spice. Great with your favourite mixer and enough fire to keep you warm on a cold night.

Scotch Whisky essence produces 2250mL of spirit from each 50mL bottle.

SKU: 9339235000860 Category: Tag:


Scotch Whisky

Scotch Whisky is a real crowd pleaser and it won’t break the bank.

Developed by Samuel Willard's who has been influential for over 15 years in producing a wide variety of specialised essences. Gold Star Selection's are a range of flavours which is relative to the current market trends.

Additional information

Weight .06 kg
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 11 cm


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